Hj Samson Sameon , a retired civil servant, who had just
performed the Haj 7 times, is planning to conduct his seasonal business, which
he had done for years, that’s selling sacrificial livestock for the Idul Adha
Anty Chorupsy, Hj Samson’s beloved daughter, wants to please
her old man by providing a working capital worth IDR 80 million. That’s her
commission received as an Accounts Executive working in a futures broker in
Hj Samson did not approved his only child’s chosen career,
his reasoning is that futures trading is gambling. On the other hand, Anty’s
argument is that futures trading is an endevour that requires knowledge, skills
and discipline in order to succeed. Within 4 months, Anty , only a high school
graduate, read books, attended trainings to upgrade her skills. Being an
affable person, she befriended some Traders/Trainers to widen her knowledge.
Both Hj Samson and Anty are in the same position, as
speculators, the difference is the markets. Hj Samson deals in the physical
market, whereas Anty in the futures market which has a global reach and
participation. Speculators exist everywhere, the term Bang Ijon, is a
speculator that thrives in the physical agri business by providing capital to
farmers, but in return, the farmers can only sell their produce to and at a
price determined by Bang Ijon.
Anty speculates in the futures market, which, in the
beginning is done through a futures exchange, but with the development of technology,
futures trading become an OTC-over the counter product, which became much easier
and cheaper to trade.
Three weeks prior to Idul Adha, Hj Samson and his crew were
setting up shop at the usual walkway along Jl Tanah Abang, the location that he
used for years. But this time something is amiss. Then came a group of
Vigilante Corps approach Hj Samson, the Team Leader, heavy heartedly told
them to clear the area. Arguments and lip boxing ensued, but Hj Samson give in
after he was shown the new Directive issued by the new Governor. Like it or
not, Hj Samson had to relocate to a site which has been prepared by the local
authority, which many agree that its far from the crowd and definitely very
Speculators in the physical market are exposed to multiple risks
especially from “street regualtions” which requires more muscles than membrane.
Its also breeding ground for thugs and
gangsterism. Speculators in the futures market have a different way of life.
Speculator or trader needs to be knowledgeable with the required analytical skills
to determine when to trade and which strategy to apply. The regulations in the
futures market are also very clear and institutionalized to the extent that
risks can become minimized and manageable.
The Futures Exchange is where producers and consumers come
together to buy and sell from each other. Producers, by nature, would want to
sell at the highest possible price, whereas, consumers would want to buy at the
lowest possible price. Then comes a third group, the referee, the speculators.
Speculators trade by utilizing the difference in running prices. The “Price
Discovery Mechanism” will work fairly when this third group are in the market.
What happen to Hj Samson livestock business?
The site which was prepared by the local authority did not
bring good fortune. Hj Samson only sold 2 goats, and he has to continue to feed
the remaining 23 goats. After the Idul Adha season, the site has to be cleared,
which adds another 7 winds of headache, as to where to place the unsold goats.
Anty is saddened but elated at the same time, because he
father admitted defeat. Anty’s activity needs hard work, analising market
movement requires skills and discipline, though, she may not sweat but, it
drains mental energy all the same.
Speculating done by Hj Samson resulted in a loss because he
expected things to be the same as the previous years. Unfortunately, the new
local authority does not want to turn Jakarta into a livestock market which are
unsightly and smelly.
Both of Hj Samson and Anty were doing the same thing, sourcing
for profits but from different markets. One, in the shadowy physical market,
the other in the futures market, with all the regulations to keep in check,
fair price discovery. Both are speculators.
Speculators – Innocent Devil, or, Guilty Angel?
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