Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Gold, buy, hold.

"Recession-proof asset" is named for gold since the 19th century. The turbulent times of the WW1, the Great Depression, WW2, the Great Inflation are all financial crises. Those who survived were holders of gold. The current global situation of uncertainties reflects the making of a financial crisis. The solution is, gold, buy, hold.

"Aset anti resesi" adalah julukan yang desamatkan ke emas sejak abad ke 19. Masa-masa pancaroba PD1, Depresi Hebat, PD2, Inflasi Hebat, semuanya adalah krisis finansial. Para penyintas adalah mereka yang memegang emas. Kondisi ketidakpastian secara global mencerminkan bermulanya krisis finansial. Solusinya adalah, emas, beli, tahan.


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